Friday, December 10, 2010



- Cartoon workshop at Goethe Institute, Alexandria 2006.

- RAMI international art and multimedia workshop with Jean Pierre Noun from Lebanon and Renaud Vercey from France, at Atelier of Alexandria, Egypt. 2007
Web site

- RAMI image, web and video workshop with Jean Pierre Noun from Lebanon and Renaud Vercey from France at Beirut, Lebanon. 2007
Web site :

- Workshop with Jeremy Beaudry “Alexandria place in place off ” at ACAF “Alexandria contemporary arts forum” 2007
Web site:

- Workshop with well known German artist Karin Sander and German students at ACAF “Alexandria contemporary arts forum”. 2008

- Assisting in the video production of the ‘disposition’ project with the French artists Renaud vercey, Yann Norry, Remy Rivoire, Bruno Voillot 2008
Web site:


- University union exhibition, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria 2006.
- “Deconstructing Picasso” group exhibition at ACAF “Alexandria Contemporary Arts Forum” 2007.
- 18th salon of young artist, Place of Arts, Cairo 2007.
- “Surroundings” group exhibition at Atelier of Alexandria. 2007.
- 19th salon of young artist (received an encouragement award), Palace of Arts, Cairo 2008.
- “Salon Portrait” at Goethe institute, Alexandria 2008.
- 13th BJCEM “Biennial of young artist from Europe and the Mediterranean”, Puglia, Italy 2008.
Web site:
- “First time” exhibition at Bibliotheque Alexandria 2008.
- Group exhibition at Jesuits cultural center, Alexandria 2008
- 20th salon of young artist (received the artist in residance in Meredian Dahab award), Palace of arts, Cairo 2009
- “Fragmented home” solo exhibition at Cavillgari space , Zurich , switzerland .


· Prohelevetia artist exchange program , 3 month residancy at the Rote Fabrik ,Zurich 2010

Places Traveled:

“Beirut”, Lebanon , “Puglia” Italy and “zurich” Switzerland